7 Best Places To Visit In Berlin

You know that Berlin is the best visiting city in Germany and it is situated in the heard of Germany. There are several visiting places in Berlin. Below are the top 7 places to visit in berlin:

7-Pergamon Museum

Pergamon Museum is a most famous museum in berlin and located on the museum island. The best things to see in pergamon museum is Art collection of Islam Ishtar Gate and Market Gate of Miletus.
6-Memorial To The Murdered Jews Of Europe

Memorial To The Murdered Jews Of Europe is a memorial in Berlin and near to the Brandenburg Gate. It is also known as Holocaust. There are thousand's of blocks in the memorial of jewish which suffered in world war II.
5-Reichstag Building

Reichstag building is an edifice in Berlin. In 1933 Reichstag building burn on fire but in 1961 the building was rebuilt. It has a beautiful glass dome on the top of Reichstag Building. It is one of the best Berlin lamdmarks.
4-Berlin Wall

The berlin wall is front to the brandenburg gate. The berlin wall is a barrier gate built by the government of Germany which represent the cold war and  the division of Berlin. The history of Berlin wall is very terrible. 80 people were died when escaping the Berlin wall.
3-Brandenburg Gate

The Brandenburg gate is situated in central Berlin. It remembered us the division of Berlin and cold war. The Gate represent unity and peace. It is used as the Berlin wall crossing. During world war II the gate was damaged but in 2000 the gate was renovated and opened. It is also a best visiting place.
2-Museum Island

Museum island is an island and a few far from Alexanderplatz. There are around Five museums in museum island. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The ticket for visit museum island is around 18 euros and for children are free. It is also a best tourist attraction.

Alexanderplatz is a large square in the middle area of Berlin. In the centre of alexanderplatz there is fitted a large clock where you see the time of different countries. The most famous and tallest tower of germany TV tower and also known as Berliner Fernsehturmis is also close to Alexanderplatz. It is also a best transportation hub.


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